The Sacrament of Baptism is ordinarily celebrated at the request by a parishioner.
Please call the parish office at least two months in advance in order to make arrangements.
Parents must be registered in the parish and active for at least three months prior to the Baptism.
Sponsors must be canonically eligible.
Adult Baptism, for those eligible and who have completed the required religious instruction, can be scheduled by contacting the parish office.

Reconciliation (Confession)
First Reconciliation is held yearly for children in second grade or older who have completed the required religious instruction.
Please see the home page or the weekly bulletin for the regular and Holiday Reconciliation (Confession) schedule.

Eucharist (Communion)
First Eucharist is held yearly for children in second grade or older who have completed the required religious instruction.
Holy Eucharist (Communion) is available at all regularly scheduled and special Masses.
Please contact the parish office to inquire about Eucharist for those unable to attend a regularly scheduled Mass.

Confirmation is held yearly for children in eighth grade or older who have completed the required religious instruction.
Confirmation is usually held in the Fall at a date scheduled by the Bishop of the Allentown Diocese.
Adults who have not received confirmation can contact the parish office for details on the requirements to proceed in receiving this sacrament.

Please contact the parish office at least 6 months before the proposed marriage date in order to arrange for the necessary preparation.
An appointment is necessary before a wedding date may be scheduled.
Parish and diocesan pre-marital classes are required.
Parish guidelines must be followed when planning the marriage ceremony.

Holy Orders
- Single males, over the age of 18, who are interested in pursuing the rewards of life in the Priesthood should contact the parish office to receive more information.
- The Diocese of Allentown currently uses St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Anointing of the Sick
- Please contact the parish office to arrange visitation for any ill, injured or hospitalized members.